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Expert Tips on How to improve Google Search Ranking

Search Engine Optimization is like a two-sided sword. It can bring immense benefit if done properly, but can destroy the marketing campaign entirely if mishandled. Therefore, it becomes utterly important for the website owners, SEO professionals and online marketers to keep a close tab on altering Google algorithms. That’s not all; they also need to know ways which can help improve their search ranking in Google. In 2019, when SEO is in its much matured state, your previous approaches to optimize your rank’s position may not be too productive. You need to look at it from a modern perspective. This article has expert tips to help you meet your objective in 2019.

  • Optimizing content views : This tip may turn out to be strange and shocking for some of us, but it is true because as high as 50 to 55% people don’t practice it. Check – are you linking back to the content on your own website? If you are missing this aspect, you may be losing a lot of traffic.
  • Importance of responsive website : If you are getting a new one designed, make sure your website is responsive. If you already have one, enhance its responsiveness. Today when 85% people access websites from their mobile device, this makes more sense. Remember – a responsive website is one which can be comfortably viewed on multiple devices.
  • Get mobile compatible website : You cannot ignore the high quantum of traffic getting generated over mobile handsets. In fact it is more than a PC or laptop. That clearly hints you that your marketing campaign should predominantly target mobile users. The viewership thus increased by 33% positively impacts your Google search ranking.
  • Value your links : One cannot underestimate the value of links as the major traffic drivers. From rank perspective, both external and internal links are paramount. Check if you have any broken links and correct them. Match the anchor texts in the links exactly.
  •  Speed optimization : You cannot expect better viewership and higher search ranking with a mediocre page upload speed. Do all that is necessary to optimize the speed at which the pages of your website are accessed. Few smart initiatives in this respect like image compression, to make images fit appropriately and browser caching can enhance the upload speed upto 10%.
  • Make sure your web pages have titles and they are unique, i.e. they are telling about what the page is about. Google likes this. Include exciting content in meta-descriptions. Take a content expert’s help if required.

All the above facets are some of the basic practices, but put together, they can remarkably help in improving your Google search ranking.